UPSSSC Mukhya Sevika Syllabus 2024, Download PDF Here!

UPSSSC Mukhya Sevika

The UPSSSC Mukhya Sevika Syllabus 2024 will be declared soon on the official website of UPSSSC. The candidates must check the subject wise syllabus and go through the link to download their syllabus PDF. The subjects include topics from General Science and General Knowledge etc. The exam pattern consists of 100 questions and there will be a negative marking of 1/4th mark for every wrong answer. This implies that every correct answer will weigh 1 mark. Read the article carefully for more details.

UPSSSC Mukhya Sevika Syllabus 2024

The aspirants will have to prepare subjects such as General Knowledge, History, everyday events, food components and various other topics. Topics related to general science and growth & development will be asked in the exam paper. Moreover, you can refer to the table below fo r a detailed overview of the topic wise syllabus. The questions will be in an objective type format with multiple choice questions. 

Topics Covered in UPSSSC Mukhya Sevika Syllabus
Chief Sevak’s Role and ResponsibilitiesPoverty, dowry, domestic violence, divorce, generation gap, caste.
Marriage, family, caste, gender inequality, religion, and languages.Social change, social control.
Social problems and issues affecting children and women in particular.Energy, basic metabolism
Population explosion, population growth, and control.A balanced diet, the calorie content of food, and weight control
Topics Covered in UPSSSC Mukhya Sevika Syllabus
Its lack causes springs, functions, needs, and diseases.Preservation of Nutrients During Cooking, Traditional Methods for Improving Nutrition v Identification Food germination, fermentation, food synergy.
Pregnancy Signs and Complications, Nutritional Requirements During Pregnancy, Baby, etc Stages of Labor, Types of Birth, Women’s Health and Abortion.Stages of child development and factors affecting development.
Growth and development: physical development, motor development, emotional development Language development, social development, cognitive development.Immunity: types and vaccination schedule.
Newborn care, breastfeeding, malnutrition, supplemental nutrition.Diseases: fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, measles, tuberculosis, chicken Hepatitis, Malaria, Dengue, Typhoid, Diarrhea, Worm Infestation, Anemia, Cosque, Symptoms, Treatment.
Extension Nutrition throughout life: infancy, childhood, adolescence, infant mortality, and  The mortality rate in India.Counseling: its importance, necessity and technique, effective communication and skills.
Health authorities: WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, Red Cross, Indian Council for RecognitionWelfare, Recognition of Family Planning Association of India, etc.Universal Immunization Programme: Vaccinations before and after birth

UPSSSC Mukhya Sevika Exam Pattern 2024

The candidates who want to create a successful preparation plan for the UPSSSC Mukhya Sevika Mains Exam need to be familiar with the exam format. You must review the  Exam Pattern information. The exam will consist of a total of 100-point exams. The topics that will be covered in the questions will be pertinent to the position. Moreover, you will get a two hour duration to complete the exam. And 1/4th of the marks allocated to the specific question will be subtracted for each wrong answer.

Number of QuestionsNumber of Marks
Negative Marking1/4th mark

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