Haryana JBT Syllabus 2024, Download Here!

Haryana JBT Syllabus 2024

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) will update the Haryana JBT Teacher Recruitment Syllabus 2024 and exam pattern on its official website. Candidates can download the curriculum and exam pattern by visiting the Commission’s website. The HPPSC JBT selection procedure is divided into three stages: written examination, interview, and document verification. Candidates who pass the written examination are invited for an interview, and a final merit list is created based on their performance in both rounds. Following that, candidates must have their documents validated before proceeding to the final selection process. The Haryana JBT syllabus mostly includes questions about general awareness, logic, general knowledge of the relevant topic, and mathematics.

Haryana JBT Syllabus 2024

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission has not published the Haryana JBT Syllabus on their official website yet. But the candidates can find the expected syllabus given below. Candidates must be well versed with the syllabus and the exam pattern to form their exam strategies in order to ace the exam. The expected syllabus has four divisions, which can be seen below:

  1. General Awareness
  2. Reasoning
  3. Maths
  4. Knowledge of the concerned field
General Awareness covered in Haryana JBT SyllabusCurrent Affairs
National and International updates
Important organizations and their headquarters
Sports and entertainment
Science and technologies
Books and authors
Countries and capitals
Reasoning covered in Haryana JBT SyllabusVerbal and Non-verbal reasoning
Alphanumeric series
Number series
Coding and decoding
Input and output
Seating arrangements
Blood relations
Statements and conclusions
Maths covered in Haryana JBT SyllabusSimplification
Ratio and Proportion
Time Distance and Work
Pipes and Cisterns
Boats and Streams
Knowledge of the concerned fieldGeography
General Science

Haryana JBT Teacher Exam Pattern

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission has not released the official notification for the Haryana JBT Syllabus and exam pattern yet. Although, the candidates should be aware of the selection process and the stage they will have to go through. The selection process consists of three stages, which are as follows:

Written Exam

The HSSC JBT Teacher exam has three stages. The first round is a written exam, followed by an interview round for qualified candidates. The exam pattern for the written exam is unknown at this time because the commission has not yet issued an official notification. As soon as the official notification is out, we will update the entire HSSC JBT Teacher recruitment exam pattern with every detail.


There is no set syllabus or exam structure for the interview. Candidates should be up to date on current events and have a general understanding of the field to which they are applying. They should also work on their personality development to pass this stage easily.

Document Verification

After the candidates are over with their interview, the selected candidates will have to present their original documents for verification. This is an important stage of the selection process as it will allow the commission to check if the candidates who have been selected are qualified and eligible for the position or not. 

Check here for more information-

Hopefully, this information was useful for all the aspiring candidates preparing for the government exams. Check DailyExamNews to stay informed about the latest recruitments, tests, vacancies, and developments regarding government exams.