TS TET Syllabus 2024: Check Exam Pattern!

TS TET Syllabus

The TS TET Syllabus 2024 has been declared for the aspirants who are appearing for the examination. The candidates will have to prepare subjects as Child Development, Mathematics, Languages, General Science, General Studies and Environmental Studies etc. There will be two papers: Paper 1 & Paper 2. The TS TET Paper I is designed for teachers of classes 1-5, whereas Paper II is intended for teachers of classes 6-8. According to the TS TET Exam Pattern, each exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) totaling 150 marks. The duration of the exam is 2.5 hours. Read the article below to know more about the syllabus and exam pattern.

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TS TET Syllabus 2024 

The syllabus for TS TET will comprise of two papers and almost similar subjects: Paper I & Paper II. Both papers will consist of Child development & Pedagogy section, mathematics and language section. 

TS TET Paper I Syllabus 

The syllabus for the TS TET will comprise of subjects such as Languages, Mathematics, Environmental Studies and Child development & Pedagogy. Refer to the table below to know more:

Development of childDevelopment, Growth & Maturation – Concept & Nature
Principles of Development & their educational implicationsFactors influencing Development – Biological, Psychological, Sociological
Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships – Physical & Motor, Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early Childhood, late Child hood, Adolescence.Understanding Development – Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers and Erikson
Individual differences – Intra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Thinking (Divergent & Convergent), Intelligence and their AssessmentDevelopment of Personality – Concept, Factors affecting development of Personality, Child Rearing Practices, Self-Concept
Adjustment, Behavioral problems, Defense Mechanisms, Mental HealthMethods and Approaches of Child Development – Introspection, Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Rating Scales, Anecdotal Records, Questionnaire, Cross-sectional and Longitudinal
Developmental tasks and HazardsConcept, Nature of Learning – Input – Process – Outcome
Understanding LearningFactors of Learning – Personal and Environmental
Approaches to Learning and their applicability – Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike), Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt (Kohler, Koffka) and Observational (Bandura)Dimensions of Learning – Cognitive, Affective and Performance
Motivation and Sustenance -its role in learning.Memory & Forgetting
Transfer of LearningPedagogical Concerns
Teaching and its relationship with learning and learnerLearners in Contexts: Situating learners in the socio-political and cultural context
Children from diverse contexts – Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive EducationUnderstanding of Pedagogic methods – Enquiry based learning, Project-based learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Co-operative & Collaborative learning
Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing learning in the classroom like Study habits, Self-learning and Learning to learn skillsOrganizing learning in heterogeneous classroom groups – Socio-economic background, Abilities and Interests
Paradigms of organizing Learning – Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner centricTheory of Instruction – Bruner
Teaching as Planned activity – Elements of PlanningPhases of Teaching – Pre active, Interactive and Post active
General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of a good facilitatorLearning resources – Self, Home, School, Play, Community, Technology
Classroom Management: Role of the student, teacher, the Leadership style of the teacher, Creation of a non-threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour problems, Guidance & Counseling, Child Abuse, Punishment and its legal implications, Rights of a child, Time Management.The distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School-based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: Perspective & Practice
Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right To Education Act, 2009.
TS TET Syllabus of Paper I for Language IQuestions will be related to one of the following languages opted by the candidate
TS TET Syllabus of Paper I for Language II (English)
Parts of SpeechActive and Passive Voice
TensesPrepositions and Articles
Degrees of ComparisonClauses
ConjunctionQuestions and Question Tags
Types of SentencesPhrases
PhrasesEnglish Composition
English VocabularyComprehension
Meaning of idiomatic expressionsCorrection of Sentences
Sentence SequencingError identification
Aspects of EnglishObjectives of Teaching Language
Phonetics/ TranscriptionDevelopment of Language skills
Approaches, methods and techniques of teaching EnglishTeaching of structures and Vocabulary
Teaching learning materials in EnglishLesson planning
Curriculum and textbooksEvaluation in the English language based on CCE Pattern.
TS TET Syllabus of Paper I for Mathematics
Number SystemArithmetic
GeometryMensuration 2D and Mensuration 3D
Data HandlingDefinition and nature of Mathematics
TrigonometryAims, values, and instructional objectives of teaching Mathematics
TS TET Syllabus of Paper I for Environmental Studies
FamilyWork & Play
Plants and AnimalsFood
Body – Health – CleanlinessHistory and culture of India
Indian constitutionPedagogy
Earthquakes, Floods, Fire, First Aid, 108, 104 Vehicles

TS TET Paper II Syllabus 

The TS TET Paper II will comprise of subjects such as General Science, Social Studies, Language and Mathematics syllabus. The candidates will have to prepare the syllabus according to the exam pattern.

General Science Syllabus

TS TET Syllabus for Paper 2 General Science 
Natural ResourcesOur Universe
Natural PhenomenonMechanics – Kinematics, Dynamics
Magnetism and ElectricityMatter around us
Laws of Chemical Combination and Chemical calculationsAtomic Structure
Periodic classification and chemical bondingMetallurgy
BiologyLiving world and its characteristics
Plant worldAnimal world
MicrobesOur Environment
Recent trends in BiologyDefinition, nature, structure, and history of science
Aims, values, instructional objectives of teaching scienceMethods of teaching science
Instructional material in teaching scienceInstructional Planning
Science laboratoryScience teacher and changing roles
Science curriculum and its transactionsNew science textbooks
Evaluation as per CCE Pattern

Social Studies Syllabus

Topics covered in TS TET Paper 2 Syllabus for Social Studies
Diversity on EarthProduction- Exchange and Livelihoods
Political systems and GovernanceSocial Organizations and inequities
Religion and societyCulture and Communication
Nature and Scope of Social StudiesAims, objectives, and values of teaching Social Studies
Methods and techniques of teaching Social StudiesTeaching, learning material and resources
Instructional planningEvaluation
Social Studies teacherDisaster Management, Deforestation, Socio-Economic problems
National Identity, civic affairs and International Relations

Language Syllabus

TS TET Paper 2 Language Syllabus
TS TET Syllabus of Paper II for Language IQuestions will be related to one of the following languages opted by the candidate
TS TET Syllabus of Paper II for Language II (English)
Parts of SpeechConjunction
TensesQuestions and Question Tags
Active and Passive VoiceTypes of Sentences
Prepositions and ArticlesPhrases
Degrees of ComparisonEnglish Composition
VerbsEnglish Vocabulary
AdverbsMeaning of idiomatic expressions
Teaching of structures and VocabularyCorrection of Sentences
Teaching learning materials in EnglishSentence Sequencing
Lesson planningError identification
Curriculum and textbooksAspects of English
Evaluation in the English language based on CCE PatternObjectives of Teaching Language
Approaches, methods and techniques of teaching EnglishPhonetics/ Transcription
Development of Language skills

Mathematics Syllabus

Topics Covered in TS TET Syllabus for Paper II Mathematics Syllabus
Number SystemUnderstanding different number systems
ArithmeticBasic operations and their applications
SetsConcepts of sets and their applications
AlgebraBasic algebraic concepts
GeometryGeometric figures and properties
Mensuration 2D and Mensuration 3DMeasurements in two and three dimensions
Data HandlingData interpretation and statistical analysis
TrigonometryTrigonometric functions and their applications
Definition and nature of MathematicsUnderstanding the essence and scope of mathematics
Aims, values, and instructional objectives of teaching MathematicsGoals and methods for teaching mathematics

Child Development & Pedagogy Syllabus

Topics Covered in Child Development & Pedagogy Syllabus 2024
Development, Growth & Maturation – Concept & NaturePrinciples of Development & their educational implications
Factors influencing Development – Biological, Psychological, SociologicalDimensions of Development and their interrelationships – Physical & Motor, Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early Childhood, late Childhood, Adolescence
Understanding Development – Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers and EriksonIndividual differences – Intra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Thinking (Divergent & Convergent), Intelligence and their Assessment
Development of Personality – Concept, Factors affecting development of Personality, Child Rearing Practices, Self-ConceptAdjustment, Behavioral problems, Defense Mechanisms, Mental Health
Methods and Approaches of Child Development – Introspection, Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Rating Scales, Anecdotal Records, Questionnaire, Cross-sectional and LongitudinalDevelopmental tasks and Hazards
Understanding LearningConcept, Nature of Learning – Input – Process – Outcome
Factors of Learning – Personal and EnvironmentalApproaches to Learning and their applicability – Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike), Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt (Kohler, Koffka) and Observational (Bandura)
Dimensions of Learning – Cognitive, Affective and PerformanceMotivation and Sustenance – its role in learning
Memory & ForgettingTransfer of Learning
Pedagogical ConcernsTeaching and its relationship with learning and learner
Learners in Contexts: Situating learners in the socio-political and cultural contextChildren from diverse contexts – Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive Education
Understanding of Pedagogic methods – Enquiry based learning, Project-based learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Co-operative & Collaborative learningIndividual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing learning in the classroom like Study habits, Self-learning and Learning to learn skills
Organizing learning in heterogeneous classroom groups – Socio-economic background, Abilities and InterestsParadigms of organizing Learning – Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner centric
Theory of Instruction – BrunerTeaching as Planned activity – Elements of Planning
Phases of Teaching – Pre active, Interactive and Post activeGeneral and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of a good facilitator
Learning resources – Self, Home, School, Play, Community, TechnologyClassroom Management: Role of the student, teacher, the Leadership style of the teacher, Creation of a non-threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour problems, Guidance & Counseling, Child Abuse, Punishment and its legal implications, Rights of a child, Time Management
The distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School-based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: Perspective & Practice

TS TET Exam Pattern 2024

The TS TET 2024 exam will take place in an online mode. It will be a very convenient choice for candidates to take the test from designated centers. The exam will consist of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in an objective type format. The exam will assess candidates on the basis of various aspects such as their knowledge of subjects and skill sets. In total, there will be 150 questions, each carrying 1 mark, adding up to a maximum score of 150 marks. The duration of the exam is set at 150 minutes, giving candidates ample time to complete all the questions. The marking policy is straightforward. Each correct answer will be awarded 1 mark, and there will be no negative marking for incorrect answers.

This allows candidates to attempt all questions without the fear of losing marks for wrong answers. This will encourage a comprehensive approach to the test. Check the details of the exam pattern from the table below:

Paper I Exam Pattern

The paper 1 of TS TET will comprise of a total of 150 questions with total 150 marks. Each question will carry 1 mark. There will be no negative marking in the exam. Refer to the table below.

TS TET Paper 1 Exam Pattern 2024
Number of Questions150
Number of Sections5
Total Marks150
Exam Duration150 minutes
Marking Scheme+1 mark for Correct Answer
Negative MarkingNo Negative Marking

Paper 2 Exam Pattern

The paper 2 of TS TET will comprise of a total of 150 questions with total 150 marks. Each question will carry 1 mark and there will be a total of 4 sections in the exam. There will be no negative marking in the exam. Refer to the table below.

TS TET Paper 2 Exam Pattern 2024
Number of Questions150
Number of Sections4
Total Marks150
Exam Duration150 minutes
Marking Scheme+1 mark for Correct Answer
Negative MarkingNo Negative Marking

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Exam Related Links-
TS TET Answer KeyTS TET Hall Ticket

Hopefully, this information was useful for all the aspiring candidates preparing for the government exams. Check DailyExamNews to stay informed about the latest recruitments, tests, vacancies, and developments regarding government exams.