The UPPSC Staff Nurse syllabus is released by the official UPPSC board before the exams so the candidates can start exam preparation. The UPPSC Staff Nurse Syllabus 2024 provides a comprehensive framework for applicants seeking to work in the healthcare industry as staff nurses under the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC). The syllabus is thoroughly planned to ensure that students have a thorough understanding of a variety of important topics, such as general knowledge, general Hindi, and main nursing subjects. It covers a wide range of topics to examine candidates’ skill and expertise in their profession, ensuring they are well-prepared to face the demands and challenges of the healthcare industry.
UPPSC Staff Nurse Syllabus 2024
The syllabus is carefully organized to ensure that students have a thorough understanding of a variety of important topics, such as general knowledge, general Hindi, and main nursing subjects. This systematic technique seeks to evaluate both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, resulting in a comprehensive assessment of the candidates’ abilities.
UPPSC Staff Nurse Syllabus for General Knowledge
Topic | Subtopics |
History of India and Indian National Movement | Social Aspects, Economic Aspects, Political Aspects, Freedom Movement, Growth of Nationalism, Attainment of Independence |
Indian and World Geography | Physical Geography of India, Social Geography of India, Economic Geography of India, General Understanding of World Geography |
Indian Polity and Governance | Constitution of India, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Community Development, Public Policy, Rights Issues |
Indian Economy and Social Development | Population Problems, Environmental Issues, Urbanization, Economic Policy of India, Indian Culture |
Current Events of National and International Importance | National Current Events, International Current Events, Games & Sports |
Indian Agriculture | General Understanding of Indian Agriculture, Agricultural Produce, Marketing of Agricultural Produce |
General Science | General Appreciation of Science, Everyday Observations and Experiences, Role of Science and Technology in Development of India |
Elementary Mathematics (up to Class 10th level) | Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry |
UPPSC Staff Nurse Syllabus for General Hindi
Topics for General Hindi covered in UPPSC Staff Nurse Syllabus | |
विलोम शब्द | पर्यायवाची शब्द |
वाकया एवं वर्तनी शुद्धि | विशेष्य और विशेषण |
अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द | तत्सम एवं तद्भव शब्द |
UPPSC Staff Nurse Syllabus for Nursing
Topic | Subtopics |
Anatomy & Physiology | Skeletal System |
Muscular System | |
Cardio-Vascular System | |
Respiratory System | |
Digestive System | |
Excretory System | |
Nervous System | |
Endocrine System | |
Reproductive System | |
Sense Organs | |
Fundamentals of Nursing | Nursing as a profession |
Maintenance of therapeutic Environment | |
Nursing Process and Nursing Care Plan | |
Admission and Discharging of a Patient | |
The Dying Patient | |
Hygienic needs and Physical needs | |
Activity and Exercises | |
Safety needs | |
Elimination needs | |
Care and special condition | |
Meeting nutritional needs | |
Observation of Patient | |
Care of Equipment | |
Barrier Nursing | |
Administration of drugs | |
Recording and Reporting | |
First Aid | Meaning and Rules of First Aid |
Fire | |
Earthquakes | |
Famines | |
Fractures | |
Accident | |
Poisoning | |
Drowning | |
Hemorrhage | |
Insects bites | |
Foreign bodies | |
Transportation of the injured | |
Bandaging and splinting | |
Immediate and later role of nurse | |
Medical-Surgical Nursing | Role and Responsibilities of Nurse |
Care of Surgical patient | |
Anesthesia | |
Diseases of Cardiovascular System | |
Diseases of Gastro-Intestinal System | |
Diseases of Genito Urinary System | |
Diseases of Nervous System | |
Disorders and Diseases of Respiratory System | |
Disorders and Diseases of Musculo-Skeletal System | |
Blood Disorder | |
Blood Transfusion | |
Microbiology | Scope and usefulness of knowledge in Nursing |
Classification of Micro-organisms | |
Factors influencing growth | |
Sources of Infection | |
Portals of Entry and Exit of microbes | |
Transmission of infection | |
Collection of Specimens | |
Principles for collection specimen | |
Immunity | |
Control and destruction of micro-organisms | |
Psychology | Definition |
Scope | |
Importance for Nurses | |
Psychology of human behavior | |
Emotions | |
Attitudes | |
Frustration and Defense mechanisms | |
Personality | |
Intelligence and related Factors | |
Learning and Observation | |
Sociology | Importance of Sociology in Nursing |
Socio-cultural and Economic aspects | |
Effects on health and illness | |
Family as a social institution | |
Basic unit for health service | |
Basic needs of the family | |
Advantages of Planned parenthood | |
The Society | Concept of society |
Rural and Urban Society | |
Social Problems | |
Unmarried mothers | |
Dowry System | |
Drug addiction | |
Alcoholism | |
Delinquency | |
Handicapped | |
Child abuse | |
Domestic violence | |
Women abuse | |
Social agencies and remedial measures | |
Economy | Resources of the country |
Natural | |
Occupational | |
Agricultural | |
Industrial | |
Social Security | Population explosion |
Effect on the economy | |
Need for population control | |
Budgeting for a family | |
Per capita income | |
Impact on health and illness | |
Personal Hygiene | Maintenance of Health |
Physical Health | |
Mental Health | |
Environmental Hygiene | Water: Safe & wholesome water |
Uses of Water | |
Water pollution | |
Waterborne disease | |
Water purification | |
Air pollution | |
Prevention & Control of Air pollution | |
Waste: Refuse, Excrete, Sewage | |
Health hazards of wastes | |
Collection, removal, and disposal of wastes | |
Housing | |
Noise | |
Computer in Nursing | Disk operating systems |
Use of computer in Nursing | |
Internet & Email in Nursing |
UPPSC Staff Nurse Syllabus for Nursing (Ayurveda)
Topic | Subtopics |
Nursing | Methods of treatment in ancient India |
Four essential components of medical management (Chikitsa ke chatushpada) | |
Qualities of a nurse | |
Importance and behavior of nurse with patients and attendants | |
Patient’s admission | |
Inspection | |
Care of rest | |
Bathing | |
Clothing | |
Bed arrangement | |
Types of bed | |
Measuring temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, and blood pressure | |
Making charts | |
Ward reports | |
Knowledge of patient’s discharge from hospital | |
Different types of medicated enema (basti) | |
Methods of use | |
Bandage and different methods of bandaging | |
Knowledge of first aid | |
Collection of test samples | |
Care of the patient before and after surgery | |
Instructions to the attendants | |
Care of the terminally ill patient | |
Care of dead body | |
Methods of giving injections | |
Types of catheters and their uses | |
Detoxification | |
Disinfection and sterilization | |
Knowledge of disinfectant substances | |
Different types of anesthesia | |
Methods of giving artificial respiration | |
Preparation of surgical Operation Theater | |
Knowledge and use of different instruments and equipments | |
Pathology and Treatment | Definition of disease |
Types of disease | |
Sites of disease | |
Physical and mental illnesses | |
Symptoms of dosha-prakopa and resultant diseases | |
Introduction to Nidan Panchak | |
Different methods of Rog-Rogi Pariksha in Ayurveda | |
Definition of medicine | |
Types and management of medicine | |
General principles of medication | |
Anupaana | |
Pathya-apathya and arishta lakshana | |
General symptoms and treatment of various major diseases | |
Panchakarma – Purvakarma, pradhaana karma, and pashchaat karma | |
Human Anatomy and Physiology | Definition of body |
Shadanga sharir | |
Srotas and Marma Sharir | |
Lakshan of ayu | |
Anatomical and functional knowledge of body parts | |
Skeleton | |
Classification of joints | |
General introduction of different types of muscles | |
Heart | |
Lungs | |
Koshthanga | |
Detailed knowledge of Tridosha, dhaatu, mala, agni, Upadhatu, and Ojas | |
Healthy Lifestyle | Definition of health and healthy individual |
Daily routine | |
Seasonal routine | |
Exercise | |
Rest | |
Diet | |
Sleep | |
Celibacy | |
Knowledge of holdable and non-holdable urges (dhaarniya and adharniya vega) | |
Pleasant and clean environment in the hospital | |
Cleanliness of food and beverages | |
Maintenance and knowledge of community health | |
Proper disposal of feces, urine, garbage, etc. | |
Causes of Janapadodhwansa (mass destruction of population and regions) | |
Factors responsible for polluting air, water, land, climate | |
Measures to prevent pollution | |
Introductory Microbiology | Introduction of microbes |
Types of microbes | |
Routes of infection | |
Diseases caused by microbes | |
General knowledge of communicable diseases | |
Prevention and treatment of worm infestation | |
Sterilization | |
Personal hygiene | |
Bed spacing | |
Knowledge of various diagnostic tests | |
Testing methods of blood, stool, and urine | |
Rules to be followed in laboratory | |
Use of microscope | |
General knowledge of slide staining | |
Psychology | Definition |
Functions of mana | |
Manas Dosha | |
Prajnaparadha sattva pariksha | |
Mental illnesses | |
Mania | |
Epilepsy | |
Neurosis | |
Hysteria | |
Conscious, semiconscious, and subconscious mental functions | |
Personality development | |
Care of mentally challenged patients | |
Duties and sympathetic behavior of nurses with patients | |
Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Science | Basic principles of Dravyaguna |
General introduction of Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka, Prabhaava, and Karma | |
Routes of drug administration | |
Time of drug administration | |
Incompatibility of drugs | |
Knowledge of Anupaan | |
Definition of technical terms – Lekhana, bhedana, deepana, pachana, stambhana, rechana, anulomana, etc. | |
Knowledge of main classes of drugs – Trikatu, Triphala, Dashmoola, Panchkol, etc. | |
General knowledge of important medicines and emergency drugs of modern medicine allowed to AYUSH practitioners, notified by UP Government | |
Knowledge of Rasa, Uparasa, Maharasa, Visha, upa-Visha, shodhana, maran, Guna-karma prayoga | |
Panchavidh Kashaya Kalpana and Hima, Phanta, Kanji, Varti, Rasakriya, Sattva, Arka, etc. preparation and use | |
Preparation of balanced diet plan for patients according to Ayurveda (Pathya kalpana) | |
Obstetrics and Pediatrics | Anatomical and physiological knowledge of reproductive organs |
Rajaswala paricharya | |
Menstrual cycle | |
Aartava swaroopa | |
Knowledge of endocrine glands and secretions | |
Conception | |
Month-wise development of the fetus and its care | |
Physiological changes during pregnancy | |
Recording of weight, blood pressure, and laboratory investigations in pregnancy | |
Twin pregnancy | |
Abnormal pregnancy | |
Ante-natal and postnatal care | |
Diseases in pregnancy and their treatment | |
Introduction of labor | |
Observations and monitoring before, during, and after delivery | |
Knowledge and management of different stages of delivery | |
Sutika Paricharya | |
Sutika Vyaapada | |
Newborn baby care | |
Breast care and lactation | |
Stanyajanana and stanya shodhana drugs | |
Perinatal trauma | |
Congenital malformations | |
Common diseases of infants | |
Knowledge and precautions of common surgical procedures of women | |
Knowledge of instruments and equipment used in surgery and resuscitation of newborns | |
Preparation for labor room and operation theater | |
Knowledge of family welfare programs | |
Contraceptive measures | |
Vaccination | |
Knowledge of records keeping related to mother-child birth and death |
UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Pattern 2024
The UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Pattern 2024 aims to evaluate candidates’ knowledge and skills across various nursing-related domains. The exam is divided into sections, each concentrating on a certain topic related to the nursing profession. Below is a thorough description of the exam pattern.
UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Pattern for Prelims
- A total of 170 questions will be asked for a total of 85 points.
- For each incorrect answer, one-third (0.33) of the marks allotted to that question will be deducted as a penalty.
- If a candidate selects more than one response, the same negative marking will be applied.
Subject | Questions | Marks | Duration |
General Knowledge | 30 | 85 | 120 mins |
General Hindi | 20 | ||
Main Subject Nursing | 120 | ||
Total | 170 |
UPPSC Staff Nurse Exam Pattern for Mains
The main test will be divided into two descriptive parts. The exam will last three hours.
- Part A: 5 descriptive questions for 5 marks each (word limit 125).
- Part B: Six questions will be asked, four of which must be attempted. Each question shall carry 15 marks (word limit: 300).
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