NHB Assistant Manager Salary 2024, Check Here!

NHB Assistant Manager Salary 2024

National Housing Bank (NHB) has supplied detailed information on the NHB Assistant Manager salary structure and job description for the position. Before applying for the position, applicants should be fully aware of the NHB Assistant Manager pay and job description. The application procedure for the position is continuing. The Indian Government governs and runs the National Housing Bank. As a result, the wage structure for NHB Assistant Managers is similar to that of other government employees. The standard NHB Assistant Manager remuneration is INR 23,700 per month. The compensation will increase with each year of service.

NHB Assistant Manager Salary 2024

An NHB Assistant Manager is paid at the grade 1 level. This role offers a competitive remuneration package that includes a number of allowances and benefits. In addition to their base pay, NHB Assistant Managers are eligible for allowances such as house rent, dearness allowance, and other benefits. These additional benefits contribute to a more desirable overall remuneration package, making the employment financially rewarding.  Here’s a table presenting the NHB Assistant Manager (AM) salary details:

NHB AM Salary Details
Scale of PostI
Pay ScaleINR 36000 – 1490/7 – 46430 – 1740/2 – 49910 – 1990/7-63840
Gross EmolumentsINR 60,056.72

NHB Assistant Manager Inhand Salary

The NHB Assistant Manager salary slip is an important document that details their monthly earnings and deductions. It includes information on base pay as well as allowances including Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), and Special Allowance. It also provides total earnings. Deductions include Provident Fund (PF), professional tax, income tax, and so on. The salary slip ensures transparency by showing the net wage credited to the employee’s account after accounting for all earnings and deductions.

NHB Assistant Manager Allowances 

An Assistant Manager of the National Housing Bank, like all government employees, is entitled to a number of benefits. However, it should be emphasized that several of these benefits are only available after obtaining permanent job status. Typical perks include Dearness Allowance (DA), Housing Rent Allowance (HRA), Medical Benefits, Transportation Allowance, Leave Travel Concession (LTC), Pension, Insurance Coverage, Gratuity, Provident Fund (PF), and year-end bonuses. Below is the list of allowances that are included in the NHB Assistant manager salary:

  1. Fixed personal pay
  2. Professional qualification pay 
  3. Compensation on transfer
  4. Leave and travel concession
  5. Mode of travel and expenses on travel
  6. Pension
  7. Dearness allowance
  8. Housing rent allowance
  9. City compensatory allowance
  10. Provident fund
  11. Deputation allowance
  12. Halting allowance

NHB Assistant Manager Job Responsibilities

To become a permanent employee in the department, recruits selected for the position of NHB Assistant Manager must meet the employment requirements. The bullet points below outline the job responsibilities of an NHB Assistant Manager.

  1. Assist and report directly to the management.
  2. Oversee day-to-day operations of the bank.
  3. Providing continuous feedback to the staff.
  4. Managing payroll and personal databases.
  5. Recruiting and training new personnel.
  6. Creating and presenting employee reviews.
  7. Completing responsibilities assigned by top authorities in an efficient and correct manner.

NHB Assistant Manager Job Growth

Selected candidates working as Assistant Managers at the National Housing Bank who pass the JAIIB (Junior Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers) or CAIIB (Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers) tests may be eligible for additional promotions. These exams serve as benchmarks for promotion to higher grades within the department, providing prospects for career growth and expanded responsibility through professional development and banking expertise.

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