What is RRB NTPC Full Form?

What is RRB NTPC Full Form?

If you are stuck at what is RRB NTPC Full Form? Then, you must read the article and get to know about RRB as an organization. The term RRB stands for Railway Recruitment Board and NTPC stands for Non-Technical Popular Categories. The Railway recruiting Board (RRB) holds one of the most sought-after recruiting exams for a variety of non-technical roles in the Indian Railways. Jobs like station master, goods guard, traffic apprentice, commercial apprentice, and more are among these positions. The chance to work for one of the biggest employers in India, together with attractive pay ranges and job stability, draws a lot of students to the RRB NTPC exam. Usually, a computer-based exam, skill testing, and document verification are part of the selection process. 

RRB NTPC Full Form Overview

The Railway Recruitment Board is the full name of the organization. These are government-affiliated entities that were established for the purpose of hiring personnel for Indian Railways. In all, there are 21 Railway Recruitment Boards, spread throughout various regions of India. The headquarters are found in New Delhi. In India, one of the most significant organizations is the Railway Recruitment Board. In 1945, it was established. RRB has been given the responsibility of hiring new employees for the Indian Railways. New recruits are also trained by RRB.

What is the purpose of RRB NTPC? 

The Railway Recruitment Board administers this test to select candidates for positions across India, including Assistant Station Master, Commercial Apprentice, Goods Guard, and Traffic Apprentice.


The positions for the RRB NTPC are categorized into Graduate and Undergraduate Posts. The positions falling under the Undergraduate positions includes Junior clerks, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Trains Clerk etc. However, the graduate posts include Senior Clerk cum typist, Goods Train Manager, Station Master etc. 

RRB NTPC: UnderGraduate Positions

RRB NTPC 2024 Vacancy for Undergraduate Posts
S. No.Name of the posts
1Junior Clerk cum Typist
2Accounts Clerk cum Typist
3Trains Clerk
4Commercial cum Ticket Clerk

RRB NTPC: Graduate Positions

RRB NTPC 2024 Vacancy for Graduate Posts
S. No.Name of the posts
1Goods Train Manager
2Chief Commercial cum Ticket Supervisor
3Senior Clerk cum Typist
4Junior Account Assistant cum Typist
5Station Master

RRB NTPC Eligibility

You must understand that RRB NTPC Eligibility is a very important aspect which one needs to understand. This article must have provided you with necessary details on What is RRB NTPC full form? One needs a graduate degree from an accredited university in any stream to be eligible for the Railway exam. Apart from this, candidates applying for the undergraduate roles range in age from 18 to 33 years. Candidates for graduate jobs must be between the ages of 18 and 36. 

RRB NTPC Vacancy Trend

Indian Railways has announced a notice regarding the RRB NTPC Vacancy 2024, as per the notice RRB will recruit for 11558 positions including the Graduate and Undergraduate positions. These are for Non-Technical Popular Categories. The vacancies for the Graduate posts are 8113 and for Undergraduate posts, the vacancies are 3445. 

RRB NTPC Selection Process

The RRB selection process involves several steps. First, candidates must fill out the application form on the official RRB website when the notification is released. After submission, the admit card is issued a few weeks before the exam. The exam is conducted in stages, starting with a computer-based test followed by an interview. Over the years, the Railway Recruitment Board has seen a number of changes. The introduction of a new examination technique known as the Computer Based Test, or CBT, is the most significant modification.

Results are announced on the RRB website, and those who pass are included in the final merit list and called for document verification. Candidates should regularly check the RRB website for updates and be patient throughout the process.

RRB NTPC Salary 2024

The candidates must note that the Pay scales for NTPC vary at these levels. The Undergraduate posts initially pay a basic compensation range of Rs. 19,900 to Rs. 21,700, whereas graduate post personnel receive an RRB NTPC compensation ranging from 25,500 to 35,400 INR. The Railway Recruitment Board reports that the RRB NTPC Station Master & Commercial Apprentice receives an in-hand pay of Rs. 55,776 per month.

About RRB 

The organization called the Railway Recruitment Board is in charge of the hiring staff for the Indian Railways. There are many different occupations available, and the hiring procedure is very strict. You must become fully informed about the Railway Recruitment Board if you would like to work for the Railway. This course will cover the background of the Railway Recruitment Board, the functions and duties of the organization, and the application process for employment with the RRB. The Ministry of Railways oversees Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs), which are responsible for hiring new employees for a range of positions within the Indian Railways.

Recruitment of suitable and motivated people for various roles in Indian Railways has been assigned to the Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs). Boards for Railway Recruit. Boards for Railway Recruitment. One of the most well-known companies in India is RRB. It hires people for a variety of Indian Railways Group A, B, C, and D positions. One can pass this exam with ease if they work hard and are persistent.

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Hopefully, this information was useful for all the aspiring candidates preparing for the government exams. Check DailyExamNews to stay informed about the latest recruitments, tests, vacancies, and developments regarding government exams.