MP TET Varg 2 Syllabus 2024, Download Here!

MP TET Varg 2 Syllabus 2024,

The Madhya Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (MP TET) is the first step towards a successful profession. Conquering the Varg 2 (Class 6-8) exam in 2024 will demand not just perseverance but also a thorough understanding of the broad subject. These sections will provide you with a full explanation of the important topic areas on which you will be assessed, allowing you to prepare for the exam with the information and abilities you need. The course covers everything from child development and pedagogy to key subjects such as mathematics, physics, and social studies, ensuring that you have a solid basis for a successful teaching career. By becoming acquainted with the MP TET Varg 2 Syllabus for 2024, you can create a planned study strategy and successfully prepare for the exam.

MP TET Varg 2 Syllabus 2024

By becoming acquainted with the MP TET Varg 2 Syllabus for 2024, you can create a planned study strategy and successfully prepare for the exam. 

  1. Language 2 will be separate from Language 1. Applicants can select any language from Hindi, English, Sanskrit, or Urdu on the application form; however, they cannot solve in the language they select. 
  2. Language 2 elements will be built around communication and comprehension skills. Language-2 questions will focus on elements of language, communication, and comprehension skills.
  3. The responses to the subjects of mathematics, science, social science, and the major language will be based on concepts, time management, and pedagogical comprehension.
  4. The paper will be based on the topics covered in classes 6–8 and 9–10 of the following syllabus or textbook; however, their difficulty level and affiliation may extend to higher secondary levels. 
Child Development & PedagogyChild development
Concept of inclusive education and understanding of children with special needs
Learning and teaching (pedagogy)
Hindi LanguageLinguistic Comprehension
Hindi Language
वाकय बोध
काव्य बोध
अपठित बोध
निबंध लेखन
पत्र् लेखन
हिन्दी साहित्य
हिंदी गद्य और उसका विकास
Sanskritव्याकरण, संस्कृत निबंध लेखन एवं अनौपचारिक पत्र एवं प्रार्थना पत्र लेखन, वेद वेदांग पुराण अवं उपनिषद का सामान्य परिचय, संस्कृत के प्रतिनिधि काव्यों का परिचय, करक एवं विभक्तियों का सामान्य परिचय, हिन्दी वाक्यों का संस्कृत में अनुवाद करना, संस्कृत अपठित गद्य एवं अपठित पद्या का हिंदी अनुवाद, अवं पाठ्यांश पर आधारित प्रश्न
Urduभाषायी समझ
गद्य (नसर) की विधाएं
पद्य ( नज्में)
व्याकरण ( कवायद )
निबंध लेखन (मजमून )
पत्र / प्रार्थना पत्र ( खत व दरख्वास्त)
गैर दरसी इकतिवास (अपठित) की तशरीह व उस पर आधारित प्रश्न
उर्दू साहित्य का इतिहास (गद्य व पद्य का विकास)
भाषायी विकास हेतु निर्धारित शिक्षाशास्त्र व पढ़ाने के तरीकों पर प्रश्न
उर्दू शिक्षण की आवश्यकता व उद्देश्य
अच्छे उर्दू शिक्षक की विशेषताएं
भाषा शिक्षण के सिद्धांत
तरीका-ए-तदरीस, नम्र व नज्म की विभिन्न विधाओं का (असनाफ़) शिक्षण
ए उर्दू सीखना और समझना (सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना लिखना चारों महार
उर्दू भाषा की चारों महारतों का मूल्यांकन
भाषा शिक्षण में सुनने और बोलने की अहमियत, बच्चों के ज़रिए उर्दू भाषा का प्रयोग
ज़बानी और तहरीरी (लेखन) में कवायद का इस्तेमाल
क्लासरूम में तालीमी इस्तेदाद वाले बच्चों को जबान सिखाने में आने वाल
मुशकिलात दूर करके गलतियों को चुनौती की तरह लेकर पढ़ना सिखाना
क्लास में किताब, अमदादी अशिया, मल्टीमीडिया मटेरियल समई – बसरी आलात व विभिन् स्तर व कक्षा के बच्चों को पढ़ाना खुसीसी तदरीस (विशेष पुनः शिक्षण)

MP TET Varg 2 Exam Pattern 2024

The MPTET Varg 2 Exam Pattern will provide applicants with insights into the exam pattern, number of sections, marking weightage, exam duration, and so on. The exam pattern for the written exam is as follows:

  1. A total of 150 questions will be asked.
  2. The exam will have a total of 150 marks.
  3. The exam lasts two and a half hours.
  4. Each question is worth one mark. 

MPTET Exam Pattern (Subject Teacher, Post Code 1)

For the post code 1 i.e. subject teacher, the candidates will have to attempt Part A & Part B. 

MP TET Varg 2 Exam Pattern Part A 

The candidates must note that Part A will be compulsory for all the candidates appearing in the exam.

MPTET Varg 2 Exam Pattern 2024 (Part A)
English Language080802:30 hours
General Knowledge0505
General Knowledge & Current Affairs, Reasoning & Numerical Ability0707

MP TET Varg 2 Exam Pattern Part B 

Out of the given seven subjects, the candidates will have to choose one subject.

MPTET Varg 2 Exam Pattern 2024 (Part B)
Hindi Language120120
English Language120120
Sanskrit Language120120
Urdu Language120120
Social Science120120

MP TET Varg 2 Exam Pattern (Sports Teacher {Post Code 2}, Primary Sports Teacher {Post Code 4}) 

MPTET Varg 2 Exam Pattern 2024
Child Development & Pedagogy (Compulsory)1515
Language I (Hindi/ Sanskrit) Any one1010
Language II (English)0505
Physical Education120120

MPTET Varg 2 Exam Pattern (Music Teacher {Musical Instruments}, Postcode 3 & Primary Music Teacher {Post Code 5}) 

MPTET Varg 2 Exam Pattern 2024
Child Development & Pedagogy (Compulsory)1515
Language I (Hindi/ Sanskrit) Any one1010
Language II (English)0505
Musical Instruments120120

MPTET Varg 2 Exam Pattern (Primary Dance Teacher {Post Code 6}) 

MPTET Varg 2 Exam Pattern 2024
Child Development & Pedagogy (Compulsory)1515
Language I (Hindi/ Sanskrit) Any one1010
Language II (English)0505

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