CG Patwari Syllabus 2024, Download Here!

CG Patwari Syllabus 2024

The Chhattisgarh Professional Education Board will release the CG Patwari Syllabus to help students build their exam strategies. As you begin your road to becoming a CG Patwari, familiarizing yourself with the CG Patwari Syllabus 2024 is an important first step. This book is your road map to success, covering the precise themes and topics that will be examined during the official exam. This guide will go deeper into the specifics of the CG Patwari Syllabus 2024, allowing you to face the test with confidence and take the first step toward a fulfilling career in public service in Chhattisgarh.

CG Patwari Syllabus 2024 (Expected)

The topics listed in the approved syllabus must be covered by applicants who meet all of the CG Patwari eligibility requirements. The syllabus for the CG Patwari Exam 2024 is expected to be divided into three parts: Part A, Part B, and Part C, each of which will include various disciplines. Candidates will be able to get the CG Patwari syllabus 2024 pdf online from the CG official website once it is available. The syllabus for all three parts of the examination, as published in the earlier notification, is provided below. 

CG Patwari Syllabus for Computer Knowledge

Use of ComputerBusiness, Education, Healthcare, Communication, etc.
Major parts of the computerCPU, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Hard Drive, SSD, etc.
Types of printersDot Matrix Printer, Line Printer, Laser Printer, Inkjet Printer, Thermal Printer
Operating SystemMS-DOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, Unix
Microsoft OfficeMS Word: Document Creation, Formatting, Editing
MS PowerPoint: Presentation Creation, Slide Design, Animations
MS Excel: Spreadsheet Creation, Formulas, Data Analysis
Internet accessEmail: Sending and Receiving Messages
Document searching: Using Search Engines to Find Documents
Web searching: Browsing the Internet for Information
Types of AntivirusNorton, McAfee, Kaspersky, Avast, etc.
Damage caused by computer viruses: Data Corruption, System Slowdown, Security Breaches
General information about viruses: Malware Types, Infection Methods, Prevention Tips
Use of multimediaAudio and Video Playback, Graphic Design, Gaming
CD/DVD related informationCD (Compact Disc): Storage Media for Audio, Video, Data
DVD (Digital Versatile Disc): Higher Capacity Storage for Video and Data
Search engine informationPopular Search Engines: Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, etc.
Functions: Web Searching, Image Searching, News Aggregation

CG Patwari Syllabus for Hindi Grammar 

स्वर, व्यंजन, वर्तनीस्वर, व्यंजन, वर्तनी की पहचान और प्रयोग
लिंग, शब्द, काललिंग: पुल्लिंग, स्त्रीलिंग, नपुंसकलिंग, शब्द के प्रकार, काल
संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया विशेषण, कारकसंज्ञा: व्यक्ति, स्थान, वस्तु, विचार
समासद्वंद्व समास, तत्पुरुष समास, कर्मधारय समास, द्विगु समास, बहुव्रीहि समास
रस, अलंकार, दोहा, छंद, सोरठारस: श्रृंगार, वीर, करुण, रौद्र, हास्य, भयानक, अद्भुत, शांत
व्याकरण की गलतियाँसामान्य व्याकरणिक त्रुटियाँ और उनका सुधार
उपसर्ग, प्रत्ययउपसर्ग: शब्दों के आगे लगने वाले छोटे शब्दांश
शब्द प्रकारसंज्ञा, सर्वनाम, क्रिया, विशेषण, क्रिया विशेषण, संबंध वाचक, कार्य वाचक
समानार्थक, विलोम शब्दसमानार्थक: समान अर्थ वाले शब्द
मुहावरेमुहावरे और उनका अर्थ और प्रयोग

CG Patwari Syllabus for Mathematics

Natural / Whole / Integer / Rational / Irrational / Real NumbersQuestions on identification and properties of natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and real numbers
Square / Cube / Factor of Numbers / Square Root / Cube Root and Exponential RuleCalculations and properties related to squares, cubes, factors, square roots, cube roots, and exponential rules
Greatest Common Factor and Least Common FactorFinding the greatest common factor (GCF) and least common factor (LCF)
Different NumbersUnderstanding and comparing different types of numbers
Average, Speed, Time, and DistanceProblems involving calculation of averages, speed, time, and distance
AlgebraBasic algebraic concepts and operations
Linear / Simultaneous EquationsSolving linear and simultaneous equations
Ratio and ProportionProblems involving ratios and proportions
Percentage, Cost Price/Selling Price, Profit/LossQuestions related to percentage calculations, cost price, selling price, and profit/loss
Simple Interest / Compound InterestCalculating simple interest and compound interest
Line and AngleProperties and calculations involving lines and angles
Triangle, Quadrilateral, and CircleProperties and problems related to triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles
Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, Cube, CuboidUnderstanding properties and calculations related to spheres, cylinders, cones, cubes, and cuboids

CG Patwari Syllabus for General English

ArticleUsage and types of articles (a, an, the)
GendersMasculine, feminine, neuter, and common genders
PronounTypes and usage of pronouns (he, she, it, they, etc.)
AdjectiveDescriptive, quantitative, and demonstrative adjectives
VerbTypes of verbs and their usage (action, linking, helping)
AdverbTypes and usage of adverbs (manner, place, time, degree)
Use of Sub Important ConjugationsImportant conjunctions and their usage (and, but, because, etc.)
PrepositionTypes and usage of prepositions (in, on, at, by, etc.)
Active/Passive VoiceConverting sentences between active and passive voice
Direct/Indirect NarrationConverting sentences between direct and indirect speech
Synonyms/AntonymsWords with similar and opposite meanings
One Word SubstitutionSingle words that replace phrases or expressions
SpellingsCorrect spellings of commonly misspelled words
ProverbsCommon proverbs and their meanings
Idioms and PhrasesCommon idioms and phrases and their meanings

CG Patwari Syllabus for Mental Ability

Time and WorkProblems involving calculation of work done over time and the efficiency of workers
PercentageCalculations involving percentages, increase/decrease percentages
Profit and LossDetermining profit or loss based on cost price and selling price
DiscountCalculating discounts and understanding their impact on prices
Simple & Compound InterestInterest calculations over time, distinguishing between simple and compound interest
Ratio and ProportionProblems involving ratios and proportions, and their applications
Time and DistanceCalculations involving speed, distance, and time
PartnershipProfit sharing among partners based on their investments
AverageCalculating the average of a set of numbers
MensurationProblems involving the measurement of geometric shapes (area, volume, perimeter)
Number SystemUnderstanding different types of numbers (natural, whole, integers, rational, irrational, real)
GCF & LCMFinding the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) and Least Common Multiple (LCM)
SimplificationSimplifying mathematical expressions and equations
Decimals & FractionOperations involving decimals and fractions
Square rootsCalculations involving square roots and their properties
Use of Tables and GraphsInterpreting data from tables and graphs
MiscellaneousVarious other mathematical problems and concepts
Data SufficiencyDetermining if provided data is sufficient to answer a question

CG Patwari Syllabus for General Knowledge, Current Affairs, and Chhattisgarh GK

About IndiaGeneral information about India
History – India & WorldHistorical events and movements in India and the world
Cultural HeritageCultural aspects and heritage of India
General ScienceBasic scientific principles and facts
Space & ITInformation about space exploration and information technology
Indian ConstitutionDetails of the Indian Constitution
National News (current)Current national news
Indian CultureTraditions, customs, and cultural practices in India
EconomyEconomic principles, current economic issues
Political SciencePrinciples and theories of political science
Indian National MovementIndia’s struggle for independence
Indian Polity & GovernancePolitical systems, governance, and public administration in India
Science & TechnologyRecent developments in science and technology
Scientific observationsKey scientific observations and discoveries
International issuesCurrent international issues and events
AbbreviationsCommon abbreviations and their meanings
Everyday ScienceScientific principles encountered in daily life
Sports and GamesInformation about various sports and games
Science – Inventions & DiscoveriesMajor scientific inventions and discoveries
Important DaysSignificant national and international days
General Knowledge of ChhattisgarhKey facts and information about the state of Chhattisgarh
Important Financial & Economic NewsCurrent financial and economic news
Current Affairs – National & InternationalCurrent events and news at national and international levels
General PoliticsBasic concepts and current events in politics
Awards and HonorsNotable awards and honors
Books and AuthorsFamous books and their authors
Social SciencePrinciples and theories of social sciences
Inventions in the WorldImportant inventions and their impact
Indian ParliamentStructure and functioning of the Indian Parliament
BotanyStudy of plants
ChemistryBasic and applied chemistry concepts
Indian PoliticsPolitical environment and issues in India
SportsVarious sports and related information
ZoologyStudy of animals
EnvironmentEnvironmental science and issues
Basic ComputerFundamentals of computer science
Famous Days & DatesImportant historical and current dates
GeographyPhysical, economic, and social geography
PhysicsBasic and advanced concepts in physics

CG Patwari Exam Pattern 2024 (Expected)

The CG Patwari Exam Pattern 2024 will provide applicants with an understanding of the examination’s marking scheme as well as the marks given to various courses, allowing them to arrange their studies more effectively and appropriately. The previous cycle’s written test pattern is provided here. The exam pattern for the future cycle is expected to be similar.

  1. The examination will be objective in nature and will take place offline.
  2. The paper is broken into three sections: Part A, Part B, and Part C, each of which covers a distinct topic.
  3. The paper contains 150 questions, each worth one mark.
  4. For incorrect replies, a 1/4th of a mark will be deducted.
AComputer Knowledge2020
BHindi Grammar1010
General Knowledge1010
CMental Ability1515
General Knowledge3535
Current Affairs1515
Chhattisgarh GK1515

Check here for more information-

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