UPTET Syllabus 2024: Check Exam Pattern & Download PDF!


The UPTET Syllabus 2024  has been released by the UP Exam Regulatory Authority on behalf of UP Basic Education Board on official website. The syllabus includes subjects for Paper 1 & Paper 2. The syllabus should be thoroughly studied by candidates in order to effectively prepare for the UPTET 2024 exam. There are two papers on the exam: Paper I is for candidates who want to teach Classes I–V, and Paper II is for applicants who want to teach Classes VI–VIII. A thorough summary of the UPTET Syllabus and UPTET Exam Pattern 2024 is given in this post, along with other pertinent details for applicants.

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PAPER 1 UPTET Syllabus  

The aspirants firstly will have to prepare subjects like Child Pedagogy, English, Hindi, Science and Mathematics etc. The paper 1 UPTET Syllabus for the aspirants is mentioned in the table below. 

Topics Covered in UPTET Syllabus for PAPER 1
Child Development and PedagogyMeaning, necessity, and scope of child developmentUnderstanding the importance and extent of child development.
Stages of child developmentExploring the various stages in the growth of a child.
Physical, mental, emotional, and language developmentAnalyzing the physical, mental, emotional, and language growth of children.
Factors influencing developmentIdentifying elements that affect a child’s development.
Principles of learningStudying the fundamental principles behind the learning process.
Teaching methodsEvaluating various teaching methodologies.
Inclusive education and guidance counselling, etc.Understanding inclusive education practices and guidance counselling.
Language I (Hindi)Hindi Varnamala (swar, vyanjan)Learning the Hindi alphabet (vowels and consonants).
Vowels and consonantsDetailed study of Hindi vowels and consonants.
Formation of wordsLearning the construction of words in Hindi.
Sentence constructionUnderstanding how to form sentences in Hindi.
Sandhi, vilom, samanarthiStudying compound words, antonyms, and synonyms.
Grammar rulesLearning the rules of Hindi grammar.
Idioms and proverbs, etc.Understanding Hindi idioms and proverbs.
Language I (Hindi Pedagogy)Language teaching principlesExploring the principles behind teaching languages.
Role of language in educationAnalyzing the importance of language in education.
Language difficulties and disordersIdentifying and addressing language-related difficulties and disorders.
Language skillsDeveloping skills for teaching languages.
Teaching-learning materialsUtilizing materials for effective language teaching.
Remedial teaching, etc.Implementing remedial teaching methods.
Language II (English/Urdu/Sanskrit)English: Unseen passagePracticing reading and understanding unseen passages in English.
Sentence structureLearning the structure of sentences in English.
Parts of speechUnderstanding different parts of speech.
TensesStudying various tenses in English.
ArticlesLearning the usage of articles.
PunctuationUnderstanding the rules of punctuation.
Active & passive voiceTransforming sentences between active and passive voice.
Singular & plural, gender.Learning about singular and plural forms, and gender-specific nouns.
Urdu: Unseen passage, literature, grammar.Practicing reading and understanding unseen passages in Urdu, and studying Urdu literature and grammar.
Sanskrit: Unseen passage, nouns, pronouns, verbs, numbers, compositions of poets and writers.Practicing reading and understanding unseen passages in Sanskrit, and studying nouns, pronouns, verbs, numbers, and compositions.
MathematicsAdditionLearning addition techniques.
SubtractionUnderstanding subtraction methods.
MultiplicationPracticing multiplication.
DivisionLearning division techniques.
FractionsStudying fractions and their applications.
DecimalsUnderstanding decimal numbers and their operations.
PercentagesCalculating and understanding percentages.
Profit and lossStudying profit and loss calculations.
Simple interestCalculating simple interest.
GeometryLearning geometric concepts.
ShapesUnderstanding different shapes and their properties.
AnglesStudying different types of angles.
TrianglesUnderstanding the properties of triangles.
CirclesStudying the properties of circles.
MeasurementLearning measurement techniques.
TimeUnderstanding time measurement and calculation.
WeightLearning about weight measurement.
CapacityUnderstanding capacity measurement.
Data interpretationInterpreting and analyzing data.
Environmental StudiesFamily, Food, Health, and hygieneUnderstanding family dynamics, food, health, and hygiene practices.
AccommodationLearning about different types of accommodation.
Trees, plantsStudying various trees and plants.
Local professionsUnderstanding local professions and their significance.
Water, traffic, and communicationLearning about water resources, traffic rules, and communication systems.
India and our region’s geographyStudying the geography of India and the local region.
Constitution and governance systemUnderstanding the Indian constitution and governance system.
Environmental studies and educationLearning about environmental education.
Social responsibility towards the environmentUnderstanding social responsibilities towards the environment.

PAPER 2 UPTET Syllabus 

The Paper 2 syllabus for the Super TET exam includes subjects like Child Development, History, Geography and many more other essential subjects. This syllabus will assess a candidate’s potential and knowledge through an objective type examination.

Child Development and Learning MethodsChild Development: Meaning, necessity and scope of child development, stages of child development, physical development, mental development, emotional development, language development – development of expressive ability, creativity and development of creative ability, etc.Understanding the various aspects and stages of child development, including physical, mental, emotional, and language development.
Meaning and principles of learning: Meaning of learning, its affecting factors, Influential methods of learning, Rules of learning – The main rules of learning of Thorndike’s and their importance in learning, etc.Exploring the principles and rules of learning, and understanding influential learning methods.
Teaching and learning methods: Meaning and purpose of teaching, communication, principles of teaching, sources of teaching, teaching methods, new methods of teaching (approach), basic teaching, and basic skills of teaching.Analyzing various teaching and learning methods, including new approaches and basic teaching skills.
Inclusive education- guidance and counseling: Educational inclusion means identity, type, resolution, eg: excluded class, language, religion, caste, region, colour, gender, physical skills (visually impaired, hearing impaired and speech/bone impaired), mental efficiency, etc.Understanding inclusive education and guidance counseling for diverse learners.
Language I (Hindi)अपठित अनुच्छेदPracticing reading and understanding unseen passages in Hindi.
हिंदी वर्णमाला (स्वर, व्यंजन)Learning the Hindi alphabet (vowels and consonants).
वर्णों के मेल से मात्रिक तथा अमात्रिक शब्दों की पहचानIdentifying words formed with vowels and consonants.
वाक्य रचनाUnderstanding sentence construction in Hindi.
हिंदी की सभी ध्वनियों के पारस्परिक अंतर की जानकारी विशेष रूप से – ष, स, ब, व, ढ, ड, क्ष, छ, ण तथा न की ध्वनियाँLearning the differences between specific Hindi sounds.
हिंदी भाषा की सभी ध्वनियों, वर्णों अनुस्वार एव चन्द्रबिंदु में अंतरUnderstanding the differences between various Hindi sounds, letters, anusvara, and chandrabindu.
संयुक्ताक्षर एवं अनुनासिक ध्वनियों के प्रयोग से बने शब्दPracticing words formed with conjunct consonants and nasal sounds.
सभी प्रकार की मात्राएँLearning all types of matras (vowel marks) in Hindi.
विराम चिह्नों यथा – अल्प विराम, अर्द्धविराम, पूर्णविराम, प्रश्नवाचक, विस्मयबोधक, चिह्नों का प्रयोगUnderstanding the use of various punctuation marks in Hindi.
अधिगम और अर्जनExploring learning and acquisition in language.
भाषा अध्यापन के सिद्धांतStudying the principles of language teaching.
सुनने और बोलने की भूमिका: भाषा का कार्य तथा बालक इसे किस प्रकार एक उपकरण के रूप में प्रयोग करते हैUnderstanding the role of listening and speaking in language learning and usage by children.
मौखिक और लिखित रूप में विचारों के संप्रेषण के लिए किसी भाषा के अधिगम में व्याकरण की भूमिका पर निर्णायक संदर्शAnalyzing the role of grammar in conveying thoughts orally and in writing.
एक भिंन कक्षा में भाषा पढाने की चुनौतियाँ भाषा की कठिनाइयाँ त्रुटिया और विकारIdentifying challenges and difficulties in teaching language in a diverse classroom.
भाषा कौशलDeveloping language skills.
भाषा बोधगम्यता और प्रवीणता का मुल्यांकन करना: बोलना, सुनना, पढना, लिखनाEvaluating language comprehension and proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
अध्यापन – अधिगम सामग्रियां: पाठ्यपुस्तक, मल्टी मीडिया सामग्री, कक्षा का बहुभाषायी संसाधनUtilizing teaching-learning materials such as textbooks, multimedia, and multilingual resources.
उपचारात्मक अध्यापन, etc.Implementing remedial teaching methods.
Language II (English)Reading unseen passagesPracticing reading and understanding unseen passages in English.
Questions on comprehension, inference, grammar and verbal abilityAnswering questions on comprehension, inference, grammar, and verbal ability.
Pedagogy of language developmentStudying methods of language teaching and development.
Principles of language teachingExploring the principles behind effective language teaching.
Role of listening and speakingUnderstanding the importance of listening and speaking in language learning.
Critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written formAnalyzing the role of grammar in verbal and written communication.
Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroomIdentifying and addressing challenges in teaching language in a diverse classroom.
Language difficulties, errors and disordersRecognizing and managing language difficulties, errors, and disorders.
Language skillsDeveloping essential language skills.
Evaluating language comprehension and proficiencyAssessing comprehension and proficiency in language learning.
Teaching-learning materialsUtilizing effective teaching-learning materials for language education.
Remedial teaching, etc.Implementing remedial teaching strategies.
Language II (Urdu)
Unseen passagePracticing reading and understanding unseen passages in Urdu.
Knowledge of the famous life and poetry of famous tribes and poetsStudying the lives and poetry of famous Urdu poets and tribes.
MukhtalifAsnaafAdab such as Maznoom, Afsana Murcia, Masnavi Dastan, etc. Praise to Ma, AmsalLearning various genres of Urdu literature, including prose, fiction, and poetry.
Masala of perfect tamarind and affluxUnderstanding specific grammatical constructs in Urdu.
Information about Ism, Jamir, Sifat, Mutzadalfaz, Wahid, Mojkkar, Moannas et cetera.Studying various parts of speech and grammatical elements in Urdu.
Saints (Tasbeeh and Istaara, Talmih, Maraatunzir), etcLearning about religious and cultural references in Urdu language.
Idioms, meeting JurbalAmsalUnderstanding and using Urdu idioms and proverbs.
MukhtalifSamajMusayal like atmosphere of AloodgiNabrabari, TalimBaraa’mn, Adame, TagaziaStudying social issues and environmental concerns in Urdu.
To understand the social and Khaliq Akbar present in the beliefs, stories, Hikayatas, and memoirs, etc.Exploring the social and cultural narratives in Urdu literature.
Language II (Sanskrit)NounsStudying nouns in Sanskrit.
Unexplained feminineUnderstanding feminine nouns.
Unexplained neuterStudying neuter nouns.
Postpartum feminineLearning about postpartum feminine nouns.
Post masculineStudying masculine nouns.
Postpartum masculineLearning about postpartum masculine nouns.
Introduction to Sanskrit names of household, family, surroundings, animals, birds, household use itemsFamiliarizing with Sanskrit names for various household and environmental objects.
PronounsStudying pronouns in Sanskrit.
VerbUnderstanding verb forms and their uses.
Use of Sanskrit words for major body partsLearning Sanskrit terminology for major body parts.
IncessantStudying continuous verb forms.
Sandhi – Treaty of simple words and their separation (long treaty)Understanding the rules of Sandhi and separation of compound words.
Numbers – Knowledge of numbers in SanskritLearning number systems in Sanskrit.
Gender, vowel, vowel type, substitution, type of consonant, anusvara, and nasal consonantStudying various grammatical elements including gender, vowels, and consonants.
Compositions of poets and writers, etc.Exploring the literary works of Sanskrit poets and writers.
MathematicsNumber systemUnderstanding number systems and their operations.
AlgebraStudying algebraic expressions and equations.
GeometryLearning geometric concepts and their applications.
MensurationStudying measurement of shapes and figures.

Data handling, etc.Learning methods of data interpretation and handling.
FoodUnderstanding nutrition and food sources.
MaterialsStudying different materials and their properties.
The world of the livingExploring the living world, including plants and animals.
Natural resourcesUnderstanding natural resources and their uses.
How things workLearning the principles behind everyday objects and mechanisms.
Natural phenomena, etc.Studying natural phenomena and their impact on the environment.
Social Studies and Others
Our bodyUnderstanding human anatomy and physiology.
My familyStudying family structures and relationships.
Work & playExploring the balance between work and recreational activities.
Plants and animalsLearning about various plants and animals and their characteristics.
Our foodUnderstanding food sources and dietary habits.
AirStudying the properties and significance of air.
CivicsExploring civic responsibilities and governance.
Horticulture and fruit conservationLearning about horticulture practices and methods of fruit conservation.
Social and political scienceStudying the structures and functions of society and politics.
Teaching related issuesUnderstanding contemporary issues in education.
Home ScienceExploring topics related to home management and science.
Pedagogical issuesStudying various pedagogical challenges and solutions.
Sources of knowing the historyExploring sources and methods of historical research.
Stone Culture, Copper Stone Culture, Vedic CultureStudying ancient cultures and their development.
India of the sixth century B.CUnderstanding the historical context of India in the 6th century B.C.
The early States of IndiaStudying the formation and development of early Indian states.
Establishment of Mauryan Empire in IndiaExploring the rise and impact of the Mauryan Empire.
Non-Mauryan India, Gupta period, Rajput India, Punyabhuti dynasty, states of South IndiaStudying the historical developments in India after the Mauryan Empire.
The arrival of Islam in IndiaUnderstanding the influence of Islam on Indian culture and politics.
Establishment, expansion, disintegration of Delhi SultanateStudying the history of the Delhi Sultanate.
Mughal Empire, Culture, FallExploring the rise, culture, and fall of the Mughal Empire.
The arrival of European powers in India and the establishment of the English stateUnderstanding the impact of European colonization on India.
Expansion of Company State in IndiaStudying the expansion of British rule in India.
Renaissance in India, Rise of Nationalism in IndiaExploring the Indian Renaissance and the rise of nationalism.
Independence movement, independence, the partition of IndiaStudying the Indian independence movement and the subsequent partition.
Challenges of Independent India, etc.Understanding the post-independence challenges faced by India.
Earth in the Solar System, Globe – Determination of locations on Earth, Earth’s movements.Studying the Earth’s position in the solar system, and understanding its movements and location determination.
GeographyMapping, Four Circles of Earth, Structure – Earth’s Structure, Major Structure of EarthLearning about mapping techniques, Earth’s structure, and its major features.
India in the world, India’s physical form, soil, vegetation and wildlife, India’s climate, India’s economic resources, traffic, trade, and communication.Exploring India’s geography, natural resources, and economic activities.
Uttar Pradesh – Location in India, Political Department, Climate, Soil, Vegetable and Wildlife Agriculture, Mineral Industry – Business Population and UrbanizationUnderstanding the geographical, political, and economic aspects of Uttar Pradesh.
Surface forms, changing factors. (Internal and external factors)Studying the factors influencing the Earth’s surface and their changes.
Atmosphere, hydrosphereUnderstanding the composition and significance of the atmosphere and hydrosphere.
Major natural regions and life of the worldExploring the major natural regions and their ecosystems.
Mineral Resources, IndustriesStudying the distribution and significance of mineral resources and industries.
Disaster and Disaster ManagementUnderstanding various disasters and their management strategies.
Environmental Studies
Environment, natural resources, and their utilityUnderstanding the environment and the utility of natural resources.
Natural balanceStudying the concept of natural balance and its importance.
Use of resourcesLearning about the sustainable use of resources.
Impact of population growth on the environment, environmental pollutionAnalyzing the impact of population growth on the environment and issues of pollution.
Waste Management, Disasters, Environmentalist, Award in the field of Environment, Environment Day, Environmental CalendarUnderstanding waste management practices, environmental awards, and significant environmental days and events.

PAPER 1 UPTET Exam Pattern 2024

The aspirants must note that the exam pattern for Paper 1 will consist of almost the same subjects. Qualifying this paper will imply that you will be eligible to sit for the Paper 2. The total marks are 150 and questions will be of multiple choice. Refer to the table below to know exam pattern specifics FOR UPTET Syllabus.

SectionsNumber of QuestionsMarksExam Duration
Child Development and Pedagogy3030
150 Minutes
Language I (Hindi)3030
Language II (English/Urdu/Sanskrit)3030
Environmental Studies3030

PAPER 2 UPTET Exam Pattern 2024

The exam pattern for UPTET Syllabus Paper 2 will comprise a total 150 marks. There will be no negative marking in the exam. Moreover, you  will get a total of 150 minutes to complete the exam. Apart from this, some sections will include 30 questions and 60 questions from different subjects.

SectionsNumber of QuestionsMarksExam Duration
Child Development and Pedagogy3030150 Minutes
Language I (Hindi)3030
Language II (English/Urdu/Sanskrit)3030
(a) Mathematics and Science (for Mathematics and Science teachers) OR (b) Social Studies/Social Science (for Social Studies/Social Science teachers)6060

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