RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024, Explore Exam Pattern!

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus

The RPSC Assistant Statistical Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024 has been announced for the RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer exam. There are subjects such as History and Culture, Geography and Current events and issues of Rajasthan. Apart from this, the exam will also consist of some descriptive questions. The exam will consist of objective and descriptive questions both. The objective questions will carry 150 marks and 150 questions. Each question will carry 1 mark. Read the article to know more about the topics to prepare and marking scheme. 

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024

The RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Syllabus 2024 will comprise of a total of 3 units. These 3 units will comprise of questions from various subjects. The Unit I will consist of questions from History and Culture of Rajasthan. The Unit II will consist of questions from Geography and Natural Resources. And Unit III will consist of questions from Current events and Issues of Rajasthan. 

Unit-I: History, Culture & Heritage of Rajasthan

Topics Covered in History, Culture & Heritage of Rajasthan for RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Exam
Pre & early history of RajasthanStudy of ancient and early historical periods of Rajasthan
Age of Rajputs: Major dynasties of Rajasthan and the achievements of prominent rulersOverview of Rajput dynasties and their significant rulers
Emergence of Modern RajasthanFactors of socio-political awakening in the 19th century; Peasants and tribal movements of the 20th century; Political struggle and integration of Rajasthan
Visual Art of RajasthanArchitecture of forts and temples; Sculpture traditions; Various schools of painting
Performing Arts of RajasthanFolk music, musical instruments, folk dance, and folk drama
Various religious cults, saints, and folk deities of RajasthanStudy of religious movements, influential saints, and local deities
Various dialects and its distribution in RajasthanExamination of the dialects spoken across different regions of Rajasthan
Literature of Rajasthani languageStudy of literary works in the Rajasthani language

Unit-II: Geography, Natural Resource & Socio-Economic Development of Rajasthan

Topics Covered in Geography, Natural Resource & Socio-Economic Development of Rajasthan for RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Exam
Geography of RajasthanBroad physical features: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Desert
Major rivers and lakesStudy of significant rivers and lakes in Rajasthan
Climate and Agro-climatic regionsExamination of the climate and different agro-climatic zones
Major soil types and distributionOverview of soil types and their geographic distribution
Major forest types and distributionStudy of forest types and their locations in Rajasthan
Demographic characteristicsAnalysis of population characteristics and distribution
Environmental issuesDesertification, Droughts & Floods, Deforestation, Environmental Pollution, Ecological Concerns
Economy of RajasthanStudy of major economic activities and industries
Major MineralsOverview of metallic and non-metallic minerals
Power ResourcesRenewable and Non-Renewable energy sources
Major agro-based industriesIndustries like Textile, Sugar, Paper & Vegetable oil
Poverty and UnemploymentAnalysis of poverty levels and unemployment rates
Agro-food parksStudy of agro-food parks and their significance

Unit-III: Current Events and Issues of Rajasthan and India

Topics Covered in Current Events & Issues of Rajasthan and India for RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Exam
Important Persons, Places and Current Events of the StateStudy of notable individuals, significant places, and current events in Rajasthan
National and International events of importanceOverview of significant national and international events
New Schemes & Initiatives taken recently for welfare & development in RajasthanStudy of recent schemes and initiatives for welfare and development in Rajasthan

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Part B Syllabus 

The Part B will consist of descriptive questions and concerned questions from various topics. Refer to the tables below for more details. 

Descriptive Statistics Syllabus

Classification, Tabulation, and Frequency DistributionMethods of organizing data into meaningful categories and presenting them in tables
Diagrammatic and Graphical RepresentationVisual representation of data through various diagrams and graphs
Bar DiagramGraphical representation of data using bars
Pie ChartCircular chart divided into sectors to show proportions
HistogramGraphical representation of the distribution of numerical data
Frequency PolygonLine graph that represents the frequency distribution of a dataset
Frequency CurveSmooth curve that represents the frequency distribution
Measures of Central TendencyStatistical measures to determine the center or average of a dataset
Arithmetic MeanSum of all data points divided by the number of data points
Geometric MeanThe nth root of the product of n data points
Harmonic MeanThe reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the reciprocals of the data points
MedianThe middle value when the data points are arranged in ascending or descending order
ModeThe value that appears most frequently in a dataset
QuartilesValues that divide the data into four equal parts
DecilesValues that divide the data into ten equal parts
PercentilesValues that divide the data into 100 equal parts
Measures of DispersionStatistical measures to describe the spread or variability of a dataset
RangeDifference between the maximum and minimum values in a dataset
Quartile DeviationHalf the difference between the first and third quartiles
Mean DeviationAverage of the absolute deviations from the mean
Standard DeviationSquare root of the variance
VarianceAverage of the squared deviations from the mean
Coefficient of VariationStandard deviation divided by the mean, expressed as a percentage
MomentsQuantitative measures related to the shape of the data’s distribution
Measures of SkewnessMeasure of the asymmetry of the data’s distribution
KurtosisMeasure of the “tailedness” or peakness of the data’s distribution


Classical and Axiomatic Approaches of ProbabilityFundamental principles and axioms of probability theory
Conditional ProbabilityProbability of an event given that another event has occurred
Bayes TheoremMethod to update the probability of a hypothesis based on new evidence
Simple Problems on ProbabilityBasic probability problems and exercises
Random Variable and Mathematical ExpectationConcepts of random variables and their expected values
Chebychev’s InequalityA theorem that gives bounds on the probability that the value of a random variable deviates from its mean
Probability DistributionsDescription of how probabilities are distributed over the values of the random variable
– Probability Mass FunctionFunction that gives the probability that a discrete random variable is exactly equal to some value
– Probability Density FunctionFunction that describes the likelihood of a random variable to take on a particular value
Moment Generating FunctionFunction used to characterize the distribution of a random variable
Cumulant Generating FunctionFunction related to the moment generating function, used to obtain cumulants
Characteristic FunctionAnother function used to describe the probability distribution of a random variable

Theoretical Distributions

Discrete Probability Distributions
– BernoulliDistribution of a random variable which has two possible outcomes
– BinomialDistribution of the number of successes in a fixed number of independent Bernoulli trials
– PoissonDistribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval
– Negative BinomialDistribution of the number of trials until a specified number of successes occurs
– GeometricDistribution of the number of trials until the first success
– HypergeometricDistribution of successes in draws without replacement
Continuous Probability Distributions
– Rectangular (Uniform)Distribution where all outcomes are equally likely
– NormalContinuous distribution that is symmetric and bell-shaped
– GammaTwo-parameter family of continuous distributions
– Beta (Type I and Type II)Continuous distribution defined on the interval [0, 1]
– CauchyDistribution that is symmetric and has heavy tails
Sampling Distributions
– Chi-squareDistribution of a sum of the squares of k independent standard normal random variables
– t-distributionDistribution of the ratio of a normal variable to the square root of a chi-square variable divided by its degrees of freedom
– F-distributionDistribution of the ratio of two scaled chi-squared distributions

Correlation, Regression, and Multivariate Analysis

Karl-Pearson’s Coefficient of CorrelationMeasure of linear correlation between two variables
Spearman’s Rank Correlation CoefficientNon-parametric measure of rank correlation
Simple Linear RegressionModeling the relationship between two variables by fitting a linear equation
Method of Least SquaresMathematical procedure for finding the best-fitting curve to a given set of points
Multivariate Normal DistributionGeneralization of the one-dimensional normal distribution to higher dimensions
Hotelling’s T² DistributionMultivariate generalization of the Student’s t-distribution
Discriminant AnalysisStatistical method to determine which variables discriminate between two or more naturally occurring groups
Principal Component AnalysisTechnique for reducing the dimensionality of datasets
Factor AnalysisMethod used to describe variability among observed variables in terms of fewer unobserved variables called factors
Wishart’s DistributionGeneralization of the chi-square distribution to multiple dimensions

Sampling Methods

Simple Random SamplingSampling method where each sample has an equal probability of being chosen
– With ReplacementEach selected unit is returned to the population before the next unit is selected
– Without ReplacementEach selected unit is not returned to the population before the next unit is selected
Stratified Random SamplingDividing the population into subgroups and taking a sample from each subgroup
Cluster SamplingDividing the population into clusters and randomly selecting clusters for analysis
Systematic SamplingSelecting every kth element from a population
Sampling for ProportionsSampling method focused on estimating population proportions

Experimental Design

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)Method to compare the means of three or more samples
– One-way Classified DataANOVA for one factor
– Two-way Classified DataANOVA for two factors
Uniformity TrialsExperiments conducted to study the uniformity of a treatment
Principles of Design of ExperimentsConcepts such as randomization, replication, and blocking
Completely Randomized Design (CRD)Experimental design where all subjects are randomly assigned to treatments
Randomized Block Design (RBD)Design in which subjects are divided into blocks and then randomly assigned to treatments
Latin Square Design (LSD)Design to control for two blocking factors
Missing Plot TechniqueMethod to handle missing data in experimental designs
Factorial ExperimentsExperimental design to study the effect of two or more factors
– 222^222 and 232^323 Factorial Experiments in RBDSpecific designs for experiments with two or three factors
– Complete and Partial ConfoundingMethods to deal with confounding variables in factorial experiments

Theory of Estimation and Testing of Hypothesis

Point and Interval EstimationMethods to estimate population parameters and their confidence intervals
Properties of EstimatorsCharacteristics such as unbiasedness, consistency, and efficiency
Methods of EstimationTechniques such as the method of least squares and maximum likelihood estimation
Confidence Interval and Confidence LimitsRange of values used to estimate the true value of a population parameter
Concept of HypothesisAssumptions made about a population parameter
Types of ErrorsErrors such as Type I (false positive) and Type II (false negative)
Neyman-Pearson LemmaFundamental lemma for hypothesis testing
Parametric TestsStatistical tests that assume a specific distribution
– Large SamplesTests for large sample sizes
– Small SamplesTests for small sample sizes
Non-parametric TestsTests that do not assume a specific distribution
– Run TestTest for randomness
– Sign TestTest for median differences
– Median TestTest for equality of medians

Table 8: Time Series Analysis and Index Number

Components of Time SeriesAnalysis of trend, seasonal, cyclical, and irregular variations
Measurements of TrendMethods to determine the long-term movement in time series data
Seasonal VariationsRegular pattern in time series data that repeats every fixed period
Cyclical VariationsFluctuations in time series data over periods longer than a year
Irregular VariationsRandom variations in time series data
AutocorrelationMeasure of how current values in a time series are related to past values
Auto RegressionRegression model where the current value depends on its previous values
PeriodogramTool for identifying the periodic components in time series data
Index NumbersStatistical measures to track changes in variables over time
– UsesApplications of index numbers in various fields
– TypesVarious types of index numbers, such as price, quantity, and value indices
– TestsMethods to evaluate the reliability and accuracy of index numbers
– LimitationsPotential issues and drawbacks of using index numbers
Construction of Index NumbersMethods to build index numbers
– Simple and Weighted Aggregate MethodTechniques to calculate index numbers using aggregate data
– Simple and Weighted Average Price-relativesMethods to calculate average price changes
– Chain Base Index NumbersIndex numbers that use a base year that changes periodically
– Base Shifting, Splicing, and DeflatingTechniques to adjust and compare index numbers
Cost of Living Index NumbersIndex numbers that measure changes in the cost of living

Agriculture Statistics and Statistical Organization in India

Importance of Statistics in AgricultureRole of statistics in agricultural research and development
Agricultural Statistical System in IndiaOverview of the system used to collect and analyze agricultural data
Agricultural CensusNationwide survey of agricultural activities

RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Exam Pattern 2024

The RPSC Assistant Statistical Officer exam pattern will consist of a total of 150 questions. Each question will carry 1 mark. This implies that the whole paper will take place for a total of 150 marks. Refer to the table below to check the exam pattern. 

SubjectNo. of QuestionsTotal Marks
General Knowledge of Rajasthan4040
Concerned Subject110110

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